As promised, it has been approximately 6 months since my one and only update. I’ve decided I really like the novelty of having a blog, but not so much the updating of the blog. I have realized the absurdity of how fast Isaac is growing and changing, though, and I know I need to document regularly so I will have something to tear up over when I am old and in the home. I have already been told that sons do not visit or bring the grandchildren after they put you in the home, so I will need something extra to get me through the Canasta tournaments.
Moon Man has recently acquired mobility. I cannot express how excited we were that first day of crawling…How we cheered him on and took 27, 000 videos of what looks like a very small, very inebriated Frankenstein. Those tiny little arms going all the way up in the air before being brought back down for the next forward progression. That was the first day...There have now been many subsequent days of Olympic speed crawling to the dog food bowls, the one electrical socket with a Plug In instead of a baby proof cover, the choking hazard mini-blind cords of doom, the all glass baker’s rack of certain dismemberment, the tumbleweed of dog fur careening through the house. His mobility is never aimed towards, oh say, a toy…or a soft fluffy baby blanket…or my loving mother’s embrace. In accordance with this exciting new development, Isaac has also re-scheduled his bedtime an hour and a half later, so as not to miss any possible excitement before mommy collapses in a tired, sad heap on the couch. It truly is pure joy to watch him crawl to the dishwasher, pull up, and laugh riotously at the curious baby who always seems to be hanging around in the door, and the oven for that matter! It’s just so exhausting to pull him off the door before it collapses on him and requires first aid intervention.
Isaac has also started saying “dada” and “mama” and seems to attach the correct meaning to them most of the time. Dada is definitely the favored word of the month and is more likely to be used liberally and for a great variety of things. He told a Melville-esque LONG story about “dada” the other day with more inflection and gusto than your average radio announcer. “Mama” is interchanged with “Uma” quite regularly and is usually screamed rather than said. For example, yesterday I was late fixing a bottle and little man was becoming irate at the delay in his afternoon activities of pulling chunks of fur out of Jem and trying to topple the pack and play. He threw himself down in the middle of the kitchen in obvious utter despair and wailed, “UMA!!!! **sob sob sob** UMAMAMAMAMAMAMA!!! **sob sob sob**. Dada is usually used in times of joy or when Uma is not complying with his demands. It is usually accompanied by gales of laughter and a devilish grin. That’s ok, though. I understand. 9 months of growing, nurturing, coffee reducing, alcohol eliminating misery and two hours of pushing really can’t compete with farting noises :-)
I am now savoring every single moment that Bella is immobile. In fact, maybe I will quit giving her tummy time, in an attempt to delay her mobility. It will be interesting to see if Dada takes favor in her early vocabulary as well... though I do think Uma is super, super cute =) I'm sure Isaac is just protecting his masculine image by favoring the dada word. He wouldn't want to be called a mama's boy at such an early age...